The original aim of the genealogy section of this web site was to trace the ancestry of the Puncher family, as it is a reasonably
unusual name. It soon became apparent that Puncher is a relatively recent variation on the name Punchard.
There are in fact many variations that have evolved over the years, probably due to high levels of illiteracy, and compounded by regional accents
across the country. For more information relating to the history of the Puncher name check out the
Puncher surname pages of this site.
The latest incarnation of this section uses PHP code and a MySQL database to store the information.
I'm currently focusing on the British branches of the name, and many people have assisted me in pulling
together the ancestral data that I have. In particular I would like to say a big "Thank you"
for her invaluable help with the Punchard family information, and to
for sending me a copy of Rev. E. G. Punchard's 1894 book "Punchard of Heanton-Punchardon :
Records of an Unfortunate Family".
There are currently 912 people in the database. If you know of any Puncher or Punchard ancestors that are missing, then please
email me, and I'll be more than happy to add them.