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The puncher.co.uk home page

Welcome to the puncher.co.uk home page

"Hi", I'm Chris Puncher, and this is the latest incarnation of my web site.

This site originally came into being when I found out that the UK domain of my surname was available for a tenner, and it was easy to get a free and reliable ISP (those people outside of UK will probably be relieved to know that a tenner is slang for ten pounds. I'm not in the habit of exchanging fat, sweaty opera singers for web addresses). The whole site is really a bit of a project to see how far I can get without having to spend a great deal of cash. So far the only software used is that mentioned on the left. It's all free and highly recommended.

Keep it in the family

A lot of the recent effort has gone into the Genealogy section of this site. This allows you to search a database of ancestors who form part of the history of the Puncher surname or one of the common variants such as Punchard. Also included are possible coats of arms and histories of the Puncher surname. Like the rest of the site, this has been written for IE 5 and then cajoled into working (sort of) on Netscape 4 and Opera 5 (all Windows based). Users of any other browser should be okay, but you'll just have to see for yourselves.